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Getting Back into the Swing of Things

In this newsletter:

What is happening at the farm?

The pace is picking up! Following the first planting of carrots last week, we seeded cilantro, dill and spinach in the field. We set up sillage tarps to prepare plots of land for more planting. Sillage tarps help with weed pressure by keeping the light away from sprouting weeds. Broad forking and light tractor work were also on the task list, in addition to setting up our trellis system for greenhouse cucumbers and tomatoes to help them grow upright for a long harvest season.

Above: Tim and Jess placing the sillage tarp (not the easiest task specially if it's windy!); Matt and Theo gathering rock bags in a crate to weigh down the sillage tarps; six row hand-held seeder with cilantro, dill and spinach seed

Above: Tim on the lighter tractor for some early field prep; trellised cucumbers; Lys installing the trellis system

Timelapse of Kat using a broad fork to prepare the soil for sugar snap peas (broad forks help loosen up and aerate the soil without the use of a tractor)

Did you know that we offer unlimited vacations with our CSA program? You can pause your subscription an unlimited amount of times at no cost so you can embrace all the summer trips.

Start date June 21st! Weekly or Biweekly delivery over the

course of 18 weeks. Click on the link below to see all the details on our website.

***Get $20 off your subscription by referring a friend. Once they sign up, all they have to do is email us to let us know who referred them and we will credit your account.

August CSA box

What is available this week?

We have arugula, salad mix, parsley, potatoes and discounted roots veggies as we make room for the new harvest.

We are kicking-off our seedling sale this Saturday May 6th with herbs, flowers and vegetables for your home gardens. We are so excited to celebrate spring together and chat about gardening, groundhogs/deer, farming, art, spring and everything under the sun. We'll have a craft table for kids (and adults!) for painting ceramic flower pots.

Even if you're not planning a garden come hangout and enjoy the scenery. Pack a picnic, bocce game, or a book. We have coffee, cinnamon buns and kombucha.

AND you are invited for a party with campfire and organic beef hot dogs + our farm-made sauerkraut on May 20th! Mark your calendars! We are so excited to see you!

Above: Anna, Lys & Kat in the nursery; tomatoes and other seedlings; Lys potting up tomatoes for the plant sale

Above: Anna repotting flowers into larger trays; Anna watering the peppers for our plant sale; Austrian Crescent potatoes ready for planting available in our shop

Weekly Fun Fact

According to the Farmers' Almanac, May 13th is the last potential frost date in our region, though as of May 20th, you should be able to plant your garden with no fear of frost.

Frost hardy crops that can be planted before include sugar snap peas, spinach, carrots, kale, radish and more. They can also be covered with a sheet for insulation if the temperature drops below zero.

Keeping in touch

Our current farm-store hours are:

  • Thursday - Friday 10h-5h

  • Saturday 10h-2h

*hours will change in June

*Check us out on Facebook and instagram to get a daily glimpse of the Roots and Shoots Farm life.

Happy spring!

-The Roots and Shoots Farm Team

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