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Robin Turner

Seeding Season

Seedlings seeded, Greenhouses heated, Farm Team assembled, Gaspé skied, and Family fun-ed.

Mark your calendars:

  • Sat & Sun April 30-31 - Seedling and Plant Sale at the farm!

  • Fri May 6 - Volunteer perennial-care day on the farm

  • Week of June 20th - Start of CSA!!!

This greenhouse has been heated solely by clean hydro-electricity since last Thursday. And it works!!!

Reserve your place in the 2022 CSA now! Shares are selling quickly, and it's never been more important to secure your supply of local organic veg at a super reasonable price!

Kielan setting up the new heating tubes in the cucumber greenhouse. Sustainable heat!

What’s Happening on the Farm

Right now Tim, Willow, Matt and Andrea are busy seeding and preparing for the new growing season. Robin is finishing the electricity in the Greenhouses (it’s been a huge project). Kielan (remember him?!) has been coming to the farm, part-time, to help with greenhouse setup, planting, and will be our point person for greenhouse crop management. We are scheduled to plant tomatoes in the ground in two weeks!

Greenhouse tomatoes recover from the grafting process while Willow pots them up

Willow, Matt and Hannen are busy in the greenhouse seeding and potting up, while Tim's been getting as much of the field in order as possible with the nice weather. We covered the field tunnel for spring carrots yesterday. Andrea, our new CSA pack manager is familiarizing herself with all the ins and outs of our systems. Kathrine, Ally and Tara are all coming back this summer, and we're adding some really great team members that you'll meet soon!

Breaking eggs to make omelettes. . .

Its a real mess around the greenhouse as we've trenched everywhere to supply the power to our new heaters, as well as water lines into each greenhouse. We'll be filling these in today after the last wires are in the ground. And as soon as possible we'll be changing the plastic on our biggest greenhouse, which lost a layer this winter in one of those big wind storms that are becoming all the more frequent!

While we're doing our best to reduce emissions on the farm, Robin did go an a little trip to Gaspé with some friends for some backcountry skiing. A little Farmer Fun with Richard from Ferme Lève-tôt and Christophe from your favourite mushroom farm, Le Coprin, with a couple firefighters thrown in for safety's sake. They crammed five guys in a Toyota Sienna so emissions were minimized while fun was maximized.

Our family is loving the return of Spring. Florian is crawling and dismantling everything in sight with the dedication of a nuclear-powered Roomba. Fiona is yelling "Let's go outside" with a frequency unheard of since last September. Jess is scheming her perennial paradise and flower fantasia, and Robin is wondering how to get from skate skiing to mountain biking season without losing his mind. (Hint: Roller-skiing!)

And that's a wrap for the April newsletter. Thanks for keeping up with our farm-family fun!

Jess, Robin, Fiona and Florian.

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