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Week one of CSA is HEre!

Farmers note: This is the earliest we've ever had tomatoes, but we only had enough for the farm pickup. As soon as there is enough they will be in all the shares going forward, most likely in 2-3 weeks!

Well we've finally made it to the first week of CSA! Despite a pretty wild spring of super hot weather, late frost and a stretch of very dry days the veg is plentiful and the season has begun! We're so happy to connect with all the folks that eat the things we grow so the beginning of each season always carries a lot of significance!

The week has been a fun one on the farm with everyone getting into the swing of the big CSA harvest and distribution, the first TOMATOES (!), transplanting loads of brassicas (broccoli slaw here we come!) and planting lots more strawberries. The rain has been a huge relief and takes the pressure off our team, we love when mother nature does the irrigation for us

This weekend at the farm shop we'll have more organic strawberries (no U-pick for now, we'll do the picking for you!) beautiful bouquets of peonies and delphiniums, tomatoes (yay!) greens from the farm, fresh beets and radish and lots more. Open Friday 1-5 and Saturday and Sunday 10-3. Our friends from Ferme et Forêt will be here on Sunday from 11-2 baking their lovely granola, come and stock up on freshly baked maple or honey granola in your own container and save $2/kg off the retail price.

Peony, delphinium and mint bouquets in the shop this weekend

Cilantro harvest!

2021 team photo- Such a great group of hardworking and talented folks! Missing is Emily our amazing admin manager and owner Jess busy with the new baby, see below!

The little guy loves the peonies too!

First tomatoes of the season!

Strawberries still abundant, so yummy!

Caleb harvesting beets, spicy and crunchy goodness

Théo on the purple bok choy harvest!

Emma harvesting head lettuce in the morning sun

The girls on their way out of the coop first thing in the morning, eggs laid!

To all of our CSA members, we hope you've enjoyed your first basket, We'd love to hear your feedback and favourite recipes when you come across some great ones.

Happy eating,

The Roots and Shoots Farm Team

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1 Comment

Lauchlan Gale
Lauchlan Gale
Jun 25, 2021

BLTs for lunch, absolutely delicious! Great way to end the week, thanks R+S!

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