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Writer's pictureKatherine Spilka

Frosted Fields and Cozy Greenhouses

In this newsletter:

  • What is happening at the farm?

  • Other news and events

  • Farm store and what is available this week

  • Weekly farm fun fact

What is happening at the farm?

Late November already. Seems like it was just yesterday that we were planting our little tomatoes in the greenhouse. Over the last couple weeks we started settling into our cold season routine now that outdoor harvest is over. You'll usually find Tim, Matt, Lys or myself uncovering the greenhouse beds each morning and recovering them at the end of the day. We use row cover in the greenhouse to help insulate our precious plants since we only heat the space to just above zero degrees Celsius. The extra layer gives them some added protection so we can grow greens and herbs all winter long. Most mornings I start by doing a little harvest in the greenhouse before packing CSA shares and tending the farmstore. We enjoy loud music, coffee breaks and slightly shorter days though there is still lots to do before the holidays. The slowing down of pace is a nice welcome after the often hectic summer tempo. Working with the seasons is something really special.

Row cover in greenhouse #3

Matt removing the row cover in greenhouse #3

Greenhouse #4 with spinach and ready-to-plant beds


We are half way through our Fall CSA and it has been so much fun seeing all the customized orders. We are thrilled to offer choice to our members based on a fifteen credits system that members can use to fill their order from a list of items that are worth one or two credits. See below for some examples of customized orders. Members can also add-on eggs, mushroom or greens shares (in the paper bag) in addition to anything from our online store.

Our precious Anna who picks up her CSA basket every Thursday at the farm!

Other news and events

Masham CHSLD Christmas market

We had such as blast at the Masham CHSLD Christmas market last Friday! What a wonderful initiative organized by their staff. We were thrilled to be invited and loved meeting more members of our amazing Masham Community.

Myself (Kat) at the Masham CHSLD Christmas Market

Our second Christmas market table

The organizers of the CHSLD Christmas Market (not including Martine, who worked hard to make it happen!)

Wreath Making Workshops

Jess hosted her first wreath making workshop of the season and it was a blast! She harvested fresh plant materials and selected the choicest dried flowers. Participants gathered in our cozy nursery space to get creative and learn the art of wreath making.

If you didn't get a chance to sign up. Jess is hosting another one next Saturday December 2nd and there are still a few spots left.

Christmas wreath workshops

Fiona and a workshop participant with their beautiful wreath

Winter Yoga Workshop

Our amazing CSA volunteer coordinator Tina Le Moine is hosting an upcoming Winter Hip Rejuvenation yoga workshop that you won't want to miss on December 9th from 2PM - 3:30PM at Prana Shanti Yoga Centre

Farm store and what is available this week

New arrival:

  • *kraut!


  • Beets

  • Carrots

  • Parsnip

  • Garlic

  • Kohlrabi

  • Onions (red, yellow and shallots)

  • Potatoes

  • Red radish (coming towards the end)

  • Daikon radish

  • Watermelon radish

  • Rutabaga

  • Celeriac


  • Spinach

  • Salad mix

  • *popular these days so come before noon on Saturday or during the week if you want to ensure a supply! We're getting our supply up.


  • Rosemary (coming towards the end)

  • Thym (coming towards the end)

  • Cilantro (first harvest of greenhouse cilantro!)

  • dill (first harvest of greenhouse dill! small quantities so come early)

  • Parsley Curly and Flat

Other Veggies:

  • Celery (coming towards the end)

  • Leeks (coming towards the end)

  • Fennel (coming towards the end)

  • Chickory lettuce (endive: great roasted and raw!)

  • Kale

  • Chard (from the greenhouse!)

  • Napa cabbage

  • Caraflex cabbage (a tender sweet variety great for slaw and amazing roasted !)

  • Red and green classic cabbage


  • Classic butternut (just a handful left!)

  • Autumn Frost butternut (butternut flavour with a more pumpkin like texture)

  • Kabocha: winter sweet (sweet nutty flavours reminiscent of roasted chestnut)

  • Testukabuto (low moisture content; rich notes of hazelnut and browned butter.)

  • Delicata (Edible skin makes for easy prep!)

  • Pie Pita Pumkin (great for pies/deserts and the seeds are especially tasty!)


  • Dried Flowers

  • Eucalyptus

  • Wreaths

  • Garlic braids

Farm-made preserves:

  • Salsa

  • Passata (Italian tomato sauce)

  • Kimchi

  • Chilero

  • Pickles (facto-fermented)

  • Our version of a Sriracha hot sauce

  • Frozen soups: tomato, Thai squash

  • cowboy candy (Farm-made)


  • Decorative pumpkins and squash

Some root vegetables and squash in the farm store

Green vegetables, ginger and others (in addition to spinach and salad mix)

The cilantro is ready! It will be available this week at the farm store.

Greenhouse chard

Weekly farm fun fact

Well folks its cold and flu season... According to Harvard Health "fermented foods are useful because they help provide a spectrum of probiotics to foster a vigorous microbiome in your digestive tract that can keep bad actors at bay". So time to stock up on whole foods, warm soups and ferments!

Our ferments from the farm store

Keeping in touch

Our farm-store hours are the following until the holidays:

  • Wednesday-Friday 11h-5h

  • Saturday 10h-3h

*Check us out on Facebook and instagram to get a daily glimpse of the Roots and Shoots Farm life.

Happy Autumn Frost to all!

-The Roots and Shoots Farm Team

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