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Writer's pictureKatherine Spilka

It's Time to Start Seeding!

Updated: Apr 7, 2023

In this newsletter:

  • What is happening at the farm?

  • What is available this week?

  • Weekly farm fun fact!

What is happening at the farm?

Hello beautiful community! It was a very exciting week! We set-up the spring nursery and moved in the tomatoes, peppers and eggplants seedlings. The tomatoes will grow for another two weeks before we plant them in the greenhouse. We also started seeding other crops, including onions, leeks, flowers, and seedlings for the plant sale. More to come next week regarding what will be available for YOUR gardens in May!

Tim and Jess organizing seedlings Tomatoes and eggplants moving to the nursery Jess repotting peppers into bigger cells

What is available this week?

We still have a few weeks left of micro-greens production, including pea, sunflower and radish sprouts. You can also anticipate more spinach and salad mix this week, as well as rainbow carrots. We are also very excited about Sempels locally creamed honey with cinnamon. It is perfect for dipping apples, spreading on toast or mixing in porridge! You can find these items in our farmstore and online for CSA members to add to their weekly share.

Matt harvesting radish Microgreens Rainbow carrots in the store Freshly harvested salad mix and spinach

Our 18 week summer CSA program and our 9 week Fall program are open for sign-ups with numerous drop-off locations:

We are loving all the recipe sharing taking place on our private CSA Facebook group. Check-out this amazing post by CSA member Sonila! Thank you for sharing! You are all so wonderful and inspiring.

Keep them coming! ---->

Member Sonila sharing recipe pictures on our CSA Facebook group

Weekly Farm Fun Fact!

There are over 10,000 varieties of tomatoes!

Keeping in touch

Our current farm-store hours are:

  • Thursday - Friday 10h-5h

  • Saturday 10h-2h

*Check us out on Facebook and instagram to get a daily glimpse of the Roots and Shoots Farm life.

Happy Spring!

-The Roots and Shoots Farm Team

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