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Robin Turner

Thanks for a great year

Updated: Dec 17, 2020

The fall season is a wrap! This week was the last week of deliveries for all members, and last week was the last delivery for biweekly schedule A members. Thank you so much for your support this year! We are so grateful for our community of local eaters. We are also grateful for our wonderful team. There are so many of them, including a large crew of bartering volunteers, that helped pull off our tenth and most complicated season so far.

We'd love to hear how you liked the fall share, so there is a link to a survey just bewlow. In the meantime, the winter and summer share signups are in full swing. The demand is already what you would expect in these crazy covid times, so please don't wait! We will be opening the shares to the public on January 15th.

We're all signing off for a post-covid hiatus, and will be back in mid-January in time to launch our winter share. Read on for a little photo essay of our winter work!

We'd love to see you at the farmstore! We're open this Thursday to Sunday, the 23rd, the 30th, and weekends after that!

Tim started and finished this little roof over our entrance last week. So if it ever snows again (fingers crossed) the farm store will still be accessible!

Hannen's loading up quarts of carrots to put in the boxes!

Hannen's writing some add-on orders on the boxes, which will head into the cold room in order from there!

Genevieve (our new pack shed manager!!!) is loading up the boxes in exact order to go on the truck, to be delivered to you!

Caleb is putting the finishing touches on our ancient barn-board wall trim in the farm store, with an access panel to get at all the electric panels!

Here's Emily, the backbone our business, keeping all the numbers in line, all the communications flowing, and basically everyone happy! It's been a big year for her, and she's looking forward to a little break.

And this is a cool happening - Willow, who was a hardcore tree planter, and fits right in on the harvest and planting team - is also a graphic designer! She's bringing a level of refinement to our stickers, our signs, and our farm tour designs, that we've never had before. Super cool!

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